A neck lift revision surgery is a cosmetic procedure performed to correct and improve the results of a previous neck lift surgery. The procedure is usually performed when the initial neck lift surgery has not produced the desired results or when the patient experiences complications.
Eric Cerrati, MD, FACS, near Salt Lake City, UT, is a renowned dual board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon who has earned a stellar reputation for natural and lasting results. Dr. Cerrati utilizes the most advanced techniques for face and neck rejuvenation procedures, whether performing the original surgery or a revision surgery to correct problems or poor results.
When would a patient need a neck lift revision surgery?
Unacceptable Results
One of the most common reasons for a neck lift revision surgery is poor results from the initial surgery. The skin, neck bands and other structures of the neck can be complex, and only some surgeons have the skills and experience to make the subtle but noticeable changes needed to create superior results. If the patient is not satisfied with the outcome of the neck lift surgery, a revision surgery can be performed to correct the flaws. This can include issues such as visible scars, asymmetry or loose skin.
Another reason why someone may need a neck lift revision surgery is aging. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity and can begin to sag, leading to the need for revision surgery to tighten the skin and improve the appearance of the neck. Significant weight fluctuations can also affect the results of a neck lift. Even a pleasing neck lift surgery result can become undone or develop new issues over time because of how aging affects the neck structures and tissues.
In rare cases, a neck lift surgery may encounter complications such as infection, bleeding or poor healing. If any of these complications occur, revision surgery may be necessary to correct the issue and improve the overall outcome of the surgery.
Lifestyle Changes
Lifestyle changes such as smoking, excessive sun exposure or poor diet can also affect the results of a neck lift surgery. If the patient does not take adequate care of their skin and overall health, the results of the initial surgery may not be long-lasting, leading to the need for revision surgery.
Talented Neck Lift Revision Surgery in Park City
Neck lift revision surgery can be an effective way to correct the flaws and improve the previous neck lift surgery results. Dr. Eric Cerrati is a highly-qualified and experienced facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon who can address your needs for neck lift revision. Every procedure is wholly planned and tailored to the patient’s unique circumstances and goals for a superior outcome that lasts.
Review the before-and-after photos to view actual results from several of Dr. Cerrati’s patients, and then schedule a consultation in our Park City, UT, office to discuss your needs for neck lift revision surgery.
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