The shape of your eye will change over time due to the natural aging process and following genetic factors. In addition, exposure to sunlight, environmental factors like smoking and diet choices, and the passage of time reduce the skin’s elasticity.
The relaxed epidermis cannot resist the pull of gravity, causing folds of excess skin to gather on the upper and lower eyelids. In addition, the body contains a layer of fat in the eye socket to protect the delicate eyeball from knocks and bumps. As you get older, the membrane holding this protective feature in position becomes weak, allowing the fatty layer to protrude forward. Visually, this creates a bulging effect on the eyelid.
The aging of the eye area could be impacting your day-to-day activities. However, there are several ways that eye lift surgery could immensely improve your quality of life.
Reduced Number of Migraines
If you suffer from migraines, you will know these headaches’ devastating effect on functioning normally. For example, intense headaches prevent you from working or socializing, impacting relationships with friends and family.
As gravity acts on the delicate tissue and muscle of the eye area, this downward pull generates a pressure point in the head. The tension from this constant and imperceptible strain actively contributes to the onset of migraines. Eye lift surgery removes this stress point, reducing the frequency of headaches.
Improve Your Vision
Excess tissue on the eyelid and bulging around the eyes can prevent the eyelids from opening properly. In addition, due to the narrowing field of vision, the enjoyment of many activities is limited. For example, you might find it harder to read, watch television or use handheld electronics like tablets.
Drooping eyelids impact peripheral vision, limiting your participation in sports or making it harder to navigate busy areas like a shopping mall. As the tissues are tightened during eye lift surgery, your field of vision increases, allowing you to keep doing the things you enjoy.
Revitalize Your Appearance
Heavy eyelids can change your expression, making you constantly look tired or even angry. This affects how others perceive you and is detrimental to your well-being and confidence. Eye lift surgery restores a youthful, engaging appearance.
Dr. Eric Cerrati is one of the leading facial plastic surgeons in Utah. Consider complimenting your eye lift procedure with other facial surgeries for an entirely new look for your features. Call today to discuss your options.
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