As summer approaches, you may be working hard at looking your best. A facelift can help you achieve a youthful glow and restore your confidence in your appearance. To achieve the best results, there are things you must consider if you are getting this treatment during warmer weather. Here are three hot tips for a facelift this summer.
Give Yourself Plenty of Facelift Recovery Time
Recovery after a facelift can take a few weeks for swelling and bruising to disappear. If you are planning summer vacation activities, give yourself plenty of time for recovery. Resting as much as possible and following aftercare instructions may shorten your recovery time. If you have children, you may want to arrange for child care while you recuperate. You may want to consult with the plastic surgeon regarding an expected recovery time to schedule your procedure far in advance.
Be Diligent About Sun Protection
Sun exposure can be unhealthy for your skin, especially after a summer facelift. It can cause your surgical scars to darken and become more visible after a facelift. Be diligent about sun protection by wearing sunscreen daily and sun hats.
Keep Your Facelift Cool
The summer heat can increase swelling after facelift surgery. Stay inside and use air conditioning to keep your face cool. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Avoid swimming or hot tubs for at least six weeks to reduce the risk of a bacterial infection. You can use ice packs for the first few days to help relieve any discomfort after your surgery.
Are You Ready for A Summer Facelift?
Summer can be an ideal time for a facelift in order to look and feel your best. Double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Eric Cerrati can create a customized treatment plan ideal for your aesthetic needs. Request a consultation today.
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